Spanish 1A (7th Grade) General Information
Instructor: Sra. Kathy Feigenbaum
1950 Woodruff Rd. Greenville, SC 29607
Website: https://mrsfspanishlangston.weebly.com/
Office (864) 286-9700 Fax (864) 286-9699
Email: [email protected]
Spanish 1 is a high school course that reflects high school credit. 7th grade Spanish is the first half of Spanish 1 and 8th grade Spanish is the second half of the course. The grade that your child receives at the end of 8th grade will be reflected on his or her high school transcript. If your child scores C or above, he or she will advance to Spanish 2 upon entering the 9th grade. Students who do not score a grade of C or higher should consider retaking Spanish 1 in high school.
Every effort will be made to accommodate individual needs, academic levels, and learning styles of each student throughout the year as opportunities arise. Students will be working in various classroom settings such as small groups, pairs and independently. Active classroom participation is extremely important to the success of learning a new language. I am looking forward to working with your child and welcome any communication with you in order to help your child become more successful. I encourage you to become involved in your child’s journey into a new language. Let your child know that you value achievement in school! I am looking forward to a great year!
*Student goals are based on the National Foreign Language Standard.
South Carolina Academic Standard for Spanish I can be found at:
Spanish I Course Description:
The newly revised South Carolina Modern and Classical Language standards, which are based on the national standards, are designed around integrated, real-world themes of high interest and lend themselves to high-frequency language use. The new curriculum was written so that content spirals, meaning that students will be revisiting concepts on a regular basis. The standards are based on performance in the language. This allows students to increase their proficiency in the language by practicing the content, cultural knowledge, and skills in real-life situations.
As outlined in the South Carolina Academic Standards for Modern and Classical Languages, a beginning language student will start developing aural (language that is heard) and oral skills, producing simple speech patterns. Students will then begin to develop reading and writing skills of everyday words, simple phrases, short sentences, and basic questions. Our goal is also to start developing cultural awareness and “the ability to recognize the products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture,” as well as “similarities and differences that exist between the target language and culture and their own.”
Each assignment will be assigned a points value dependent upon the task. Tests = 100, Quizzes = 50, and Hw/classwork = 10
South Carolina Grading Scale: A = 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 D= 60-69 F= 59-below
Make-Up Work Policy: In the event that a student is absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to gather all make-up work and complete it in a timely manner (within 3 days of his/her return to school). Tests and quizzes that need to be made up will be done during designated times.
Homework Assignments: Assignments are posted daily and due on the assigned date on TEAMS and on my website, however, this tool is meant to be used in emergency situations and is NOT to be used in lieu of the student agenda. Please also be advised that homework may not be posted until after 5 pm due to other duties and responsibilities. Please help your student become an independent learner by encouraging use of the daily agenda.
Instructor: Sra. Kathy Feigenbaum
1950 Woodruff Rd. Greenville, SC 29607
Website: https://mrsfspanishlangston.weebly.com/
Office (864) 286-9700 Fax (864) 286-9699
Email: [email protected]
Spanish 1 is a high school course that reflects high school credit. 7th grade Spanish is the first half of Spanish 1 and 8th grade Spanish is the second half of the course. The grade that your child receives at the end of 8th grade will be reflected on his or her high school transcript. If your child scores C or above, he or she will advance to Spanish 2 upon entering the 9th grade. Students who do not score a grade of C or higher should consider retaking Spanish 1 in high school.
Every effort will be made to accommodate individual needs, academic levels, and learning styles of each student throughout the year as opportunities arise. Students will be working in various classroom settings such as small groups, pairs and independently. Active classroom participation is extremely important to the success of learning a new language. I am looking forward to working with your child and welcome any communication with you in order to help your child become more successful. I encourage you to become involved in your child’s journey into a new language. Let your child know that you value achievement in school! I am looking forward to a great year!
- Communicate in the Spanish language for a real purpose
- Gain knowledge and understanding of the Hispanic culture through the language
- Connect with other disciplines and acquire information
- Develop an understanding of the similarities and differences between the English and Spanish language and cultures
- Participate in multicultural activities at home and in the community for personal enjoyment and enrichment
*Student goals are based on the National Foreign Language Standard.
South Carolina Academic Standard for Spanish I can be found at:
Spanish I Course Description:
The newly revised South Carolina Modern and Classical Language standards, which are based on the national standards, are designed around integrated, real-world themes of high interest and lend themselves to high-frequency language use. The new curriculum was written so that content spirals, meaning that students will be revisiting concepts on a regular basis. The standards are based on performance in the language. This allows students to increase their proficiency in the language by practicing the content, cultural knowledge, and skills in real-life situations.
As outlined in the South Carolina Academic Standards for Modern and Classical Languages, a beginning language student will start developing aural (language that is heard) and oral skills, producing simple speech patterns. Students will then begin to develop reading and writing skills of everyday words, simple phrases, short sentences, and basic questions. Our goal is also to start developing cultural awareness and “the ability to recognize the products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture,” as well as “similarities and differences that exist between the target language and culture and their own.”
- Students will be respectful of each other and the teacher.
- Students will remain in their seats unless otherwise instructed.
- Students will raise their hand for permission to speak.
- Students will bring their own materials (binder with paper, pencil, agenda and homework) to class each day.
- Students will follow ALL rules in the Langston Charter Middle School Handbook.
- Computer microphones will be muted unless otherwise directed.
- Study vocabulary every day. Use flashcards, read aloud the dialogues from the textbook, use IXL or other practice sites. You may also find it helpful to use physical actions or visuals when studying vocabulary.
- Listen carefully for correct pronunciation in class.
- Participate by speaking Spanish as much as possible in the classroom and beyond. Our goal is to communicate in the Spanish language.
- Work conscientiously on all assignments (including homework) Practice does make perfect when studying a foreign language.
- Develop a good attitude about learning Spanish. Realize that Spanish pronunciation and grammar will be different from your native language.
- Ask for help as soon as you know you need it!
- Come to class prepared with appropriate materials.
Each assignment will be assigned a points value dependent upon the task. Tests = 100, Quizzes = 50, and Hw/classwork = 10
South Carolina Grading Scale: A = 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 D= 60-69 F= 59-below
- There will be a mid-term and final comprehensive exam for this course.
- Parents may access student grades at PowerSchool on the web.
- Interim progress reports and quarterly report cards are sent home according to the school calendar.
Make-Up Work Policy: In the event that a student is absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to gather all make-up work and complete it in a timely manner (within 3 days of his/her return to school). Tests and quizzes that need to be made up will be done during designated times.
Homework Assignments: Assignments are posted daily and due on the assigned date on TEAMS and on my website, however, this tool is meant to be used in emergency situations and is NOT to be used in lieu of the student agenda. Please also be advised that homework may not be posted until after 5 pm due to other duties and responsibilities. Please help your student become an independent learner by encouraging use of the daily agenda.