Procedures for la clase de español:
Our main considerations are to work hard and be nice!
Within that realm, we need to know how to go about procedures in the classroom.
Seating: There are two arrangements for seating in my classroom. Ideally, we will be very interactive and work in groups of 4 (sometimes pairing within the group.) For tests and when we need to observe safety guidelines for seating, we will sit in rows alphabetically. Either way, you will have an assigned seat and will need to sit there each day. This means that when you get to class, you’ll know exactly where to sit. We don’t need to stand around in the doorway or the classroom. I also don’t want my classes to line up in the hallway.
This year we will do a lot of collaborative assignments (group work). Your classmates will need you to work to your potential, so all will succeed. If you are absent you should check with your work partners to see what you missed, but also check with me.
We keep notebooks here in the classroom, so you will always have what you need here. No one is to open another student’s notebook or make any changes to any notebook other than their own. We also have notes on the website, so you can have material at home to study from. Note: most successful students print copies of the notes at home and use them to review material with Quizlet or other methods.
Be sure to come to class everyday with your sharpened pencils and earbuds, and any homework you may have. If you forget a pencil, you may sign one out. (Be sure to return it at the end of class.) The same goes if your pencil is not sharp- we do not sharpen pencils during class time. If you forget your earbuds you need to keep online assignments on mute. If you forget your homework you may use an OOPS pass, which is limited to 3 times per 9-weeks for each of your classes.
We do not have snack time in Spanish class, therefore there should be no food out during class. You may have a water bottle, but it needs to be kept on the floor or in your backpack. Take a sip and put it away!
Keep your area neat and clean. If you spill something, you need to clean it up. If you need help, please ask. Push your chair in when you get up. If you leave a mess for the next student, you will be called back from your next class to fix the problem and apologize to the student.
There are two regular trash cans and a recycling bin. If we ever have food trash (like at lunch), that goes into the large bin in the back of the classroom. (Seating arrangements for indoor lunch remain the same as class-time.)
Recycling: please use the recycle bin for disposable plastic water bottles and paper only. Other trash contaminates the recycling. Kleenex and wipes always go in the regular trash. If you have questions about an item, please ask. Recycling is so important! But if you put the wrong things in it, you can ruin a large batch of perfectly good recycling!
At the end of class each day I will dismiss the class. I will take a few moments to wrap up my notes, and I like to let one group go at a time. Please pay attention at the end of class, collect all your things, and be ready to push your chair in when I dismiss you to go to your next class. You will need to leave through the doors to outside unless you are going to Leadership class. If you are, go out the hallway to the left. The hallways are one way during class change.
At the end of the day, we will all want to go home. DISMISSAL TIME is NOT a social event!! We need to focus on the task of getting everyone where they are supposed to go. You should be packed up and looking at the board while listening for your name, wave, or car number. When it is your turn, you need to head straight out to the carline or the parking lot (waves). Afterschool students need to wait until others have left and they call for you. No one should leave before they are called. Anyone that interferes with this process will be dealt with in accordance with the discipline code.
Let’s work together to have a great day every day!
Our main considerations are to work hard and be nice!
Within that realm, we need to know how to go about procedures in the classroom.
Seating: There are two arrangements for seating in my classroom. Ideally, we will be very interactive and work in groups of 4 (sometimes pairing within the group.) For tests and when we need to observe safety guidelines for seating, we will sit in rows alphabetically. Either way, you will have an assigned seat and will need to sit there each day. This means that when you get to class, you’ll know exactly where to sit. We don’t need to stand around in the doorway or the classroom. I also don’t want my classes to line up in the hallway.
This year we will do a lot of collaborative assignments (group work). Your classmates will need you to work to your potential, so all will succeed. If you are absent you should check with your work partners to see what you missed, but also check with me.
We keep notebooks here in the classroom, so you will always have what you need here. No one is to open another student’s notebook or make any changes to any notebook other than their own. We also have notes on the website, so you can have material at home to study from. Note: most successful students print copies of the notes at home and use them to review material with Quizlet or other methods.
Be sure to come to class everyday with your sharpened pencils and earbuds, and any homework you may have. If you forget a pencil, you may sign one out. (Be sure to return it at the end of class.) The same goes if your pencil is not sharp- we do not sharpen pencils during class time. If you forget your earbuds you need to keep online assignments on mute. If you forget your homework you may use an OOPS pass, which is limited to 3 times per 9-weeks for each of your classes.
We do not have snack time in Spanish class, therefore there should be no food out during class. You may have a water bottle, but it needs to be kept on the floor or in your backpack. Take a sip and put it away!
Keep your area neat and clean. If you spill something, you need to clean it up. If you need help, please ask. Push your chair in when you get up. If you leave a mess for the next student, you will be called back from your next class to fix the problem and apologize to the student.
There are two regular trash cans and a recycling bin. If we ever have food trash (like at lunch), that goes into the large bin in the back of the classroom. (Seating arrangements for indoor lunch remain the same as class-time.)
Recycling: please use the recycle bin for disposable plastic water bottles and paper only. Other trash contaminates the recycling. Kleenex and wipes always go in the regular trash. If you have questions about an item, please ask. Recycling is so important! But if you put the wrong things in it, you can ruin a large batch of perfectly good recycling!
At the end of class each day I will dismiss the class. I will take a few moments to wrap up my notes, and I like to let one group go at a time. Please pay attention at the end of class, collect all your things, and be ready to push your chair in when I dismiss you to go to your next class. You will need to leave through the doors to outside unless you are going to Leadership class. If you are, go out the hallway to the left. The hallways are one way during class change.
At the end of the day, we will all want to go home. DISMISSAL TIME is NOT a social event!! We need to focus on the task of getting everyone where they are supposed to go. You should be packed up and looking at the board while listening for your name, wave, or car number. When it is your turn, you need to head straight out to the carline or the parking lot (waves). Afterschool students need to wait until others have left and they call for you. No one should leave before they are called. Anyone that interferes with this process will be dealt with in accordance with the discipline code.
Let’s work together to have a great day every day!